BLOG: SIGHTS SET FORWARD Steve Bartram enjoys first-hand experience of celebrating the manager's remarkable landmark. 'Today's the day, tomorrow's the big day', is among Sir Alex Ferguson's favoured maxims. Rarely has it resonated more, even if this particular Friday was a tad arduous after last night's 25th anniversary dinner. There, at Lancashire County Cricket Club, our unforgettable knight enjoyed a night to remember; a fittingly magnificent occasion conducted away from prying eyes and lenses. There, in a softer spotlight, the boss could fully relax and acknowledge his feat of hauling Manchester United to its feet, dusting it down and sending it on its way to new frontiers. Sir Alex's exclusive take on an incredible tale is the story everybody wants yet, bar last night's exclusive guest list, nobody has. All media - internal and external, domestic and international - have been rebuffed in their requests for the lowdown on how it feels to batten down one of the most pressurised jobs in football for quarter of a century. Which is fair enough. He has a game against Sunderland to prepare for and, as we are all acutely aware, the existing five-point deficit between United and table-topping Manchester City won't diminish without hard work. In the meantime, around him, all bar his most ardent opponents salute the greatest restoration job since Michelangelo touched up the Sistine Chapel. The Manchester United that Alex Ferguson found in 1986 was a club undergoing an identity crisis; divorced from the prestige and romance which first enticed him to the job. Wrongs were righted, the millstone made way for myriad milestones and, moreover, United's identity was reinstated and enhanced. Alex Ferguson was awarded not only a 'Sir' prefix for his troubles, but also entombment in a glory which spans football. He has established a place in the hearts of millions who have never even met him, yet have never lived without him. Most Reds below the age of 30 have no recollection of anybody else helming Manchester United. All the historic United moments synonymous with our own lives are traceable to his perpetual wringing of excellence from his every resource, and the debt felt by Reds across the globe goes beyond the reams of tributes you will read in the coming days. Don't expect Sir Alex to join in the revelry, though. That was shoehorned into his schedule last night. While we thank him for all the yesterdays, he will focus firmly on today and many more tomorrows. The views expressed in this article are personal to the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Manchester United. More: Fans pay tribute to Sir Alex | Chicharito's respect for boss | The blog in full |